1. #8 is my favorite picture of the album because first it's taken from a real life event and not forced to pose for the picture. The picture is mainly focused on the water splashes and the swimmers are blurred out so it makes it look better and I like the symmetry of this picture too. Also, the lighting and the effect of the entire picture is really good.
2. #9 is the best photo because I think the Rule of Thirds is used really well, the pictures filling the frame and it has a good balance in the entire picture. I think the way, the photographer took an advantage of the lighting really made the picture look way better than the original one.
I think photographing my group members, Henri's way was my best attempt to make my pictures look good this semester. I think I balanced out the way Henri used to photograph his pictures. He not only told people to pose for his pictures, but took real life photos and I think that's how the best pictures come out. I did the same by taking pictures of my group members in their natural habitat and edited them well to make them look better.
4. My three rules of composition are the Rule of Thirds, Lighting, Leaving Space.
5. Henri- Cartier- Bresson
Derek having fun in the rain.

I used leaving space and rule of thirds in this picture.
6. My First Rule is the Rule of Thirds.
7. I think working in groups can be an advantage and it has disadvantages too. The advantages are that we get to ask each other for advice if we ever have an questions, we can use each other as models in our pictures, we get to learn to be responsible for each other, get to know more people and learn how to work in a group and learn how to compromise and listen to each others compliments and advice.
8. The difficulties of working in groups were to stay on the same page as an entire group, some people can't function as well as the other people, some people don't do some of the work, so the other people have to do their work for the entire group to move forward, everyone has a different personality so that can be an issue sometimes and people don't always like each others ideas so that can create problems.
9. http://priyankaabigailbajaj.blogspot.com/2014/12/inspired-by-master-clarence-h-white.html
I think Priyanka's work is the best produced in our class.
A Little History
10. My photographer was Henri- Cartier- Bresson and he was a french photographer who mainly focused on taking pictures of people and he even ended up taking pictures in the war which were famous and even published in many magazines and newspapers. He covered many of the biggest events from the Spanish Civil War to the French uprisings in 1968.
11. Her most popular picture is called Migrant Mother which was taken in Nipomo, California around February- March of 1936. The agency that employed her was called Farm Security Administration.
12. The Life Magazine started publishing in 1936.
13. Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935.
14. Robert Capa co-founded Magnum Photos in Paris which started in 1947.