4. Photo I think this picture made me realize how important nature is and I like taking pictures of beautiful scenery's more. I did not need to filter or Photoshop this picture because the perfect amount of lighting and shade was there when I took the picture near the beach. The picture consists of different shades of blue and throughout different parts of the ocean, there are waves clashing into the stone walls and I did not change the horizon line of this pictures because it is crooked naturally. Since I wanted to keep the photo natural, I didn't try to fix the line too.
5.Shape and Form The difference between shape and form is that they define objects in space. Spaces have two dimensions which are height and width and are usually defined by lines. Forms exist in three dimensions with height, width and depth. Shape is also 2-D and form is 3-D.
6.Pattern and Repetition The difference between pattern and repetition is that pattern is in repetition but it can be multiple non repetitive elements coming together to create a single piece. Repetition is usually repeated among it's own pattern which also includes the pattern which is used inside it too.
7. My own weebly page: Weebly About Page
The person who inspired me through their own weebly about page. Inspired Person
8. Portraits, Commercial Photo shoot. Among these projects, I think the commercial photo shoot was my best projects because not only we got to work in groups but I also learned a lot by working with groups and even learned new creative ways of Photoshop. We also used multiple objects to help us make our photos even better with our unique poses and used various lightnings to get rid of any flaws and improve our pictures.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Student Website Reviews
I think this is one of Nitya's best photo out of her all her other pictures. It is the best photo because it's focused on her favorite cupcake and she blurred out the others ones.
This is Estell's best photo out of all her other pictures on her blog. It is the best because it's candid and not posed and pictures look better when they look more realistic.
This is haroon's best photo because it's focused on the branch which is shown more than the other objects in the photo.
Friday, May 8, 2015
First Commercial Photo shoot
Taken by: Ethan Hu
Taken by: Aarti Panda
Taken by: Priyanka Bajaj
Taken by: Mansi Chopra
Taken by: Aarti Panda
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
MSJMC Week Story
This is a picture of 2 Bhangra Dancers exhausted from a long day and waiting for their turn to perform.
This group of talented group is beat boxing and impressing the audience.
Bhangra performers are doing their best to impress the audience.
These ballet dancers are showing off their flexibility.
All the performers are outside getting ready before the assembly.
These 2 Bhangra dancers are posing for their picture.
The rock band is starting off the Assembly with their amazing performance.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Shutter Speed and Everything After
1. The shutter speed is very fast. The trucks on the right must be moving quickly as it drives down the highway. However, in the photo, it appears to be still as it was captured at an instant.
2. The rule of composition seen here is perspective. As the photo was taken in the center of the highway, the lines of the side of the highway are drawing your eye into the center. The second rule of composition is the use of diagonals. The lines of the sides of the freeway are diagonal to the rest of the photo and help draw your eyes to the focus. There are many diagonal lines in the photo that stand out against the relative emptiness of the background.3. An element of art seen here is space. Only a third of the photo has subjects while the rest of the sky and roads provide a simple background. The focus is therefore on the trucks.
4. An element of design seen here is balance. The photo is very balanced with the vast sky and large highway, with almost strategically placed trucks that your eye is drawn to.
Tuesday's with Farley's Kids
Friday, March 27, 2015
Variety of the Fittest
Photo #4
This picture has a mix of different football teams and the three pictures are unrelated to them. There is also a board of Malcom X in the middle of the 2 pictures of the models. Each of the flags represent the interest of civil rights liquor and football teams.
This picture has a mix of different football teams and the three pictures are unrelated to them. There is also a board of Malcom X in the middle of the 2 pictures of the models. Each of the flags represent the interest of civil rights liquor and football teams.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4
- What is your definition of successful? My definition of successful is achieving what one wants in life.
- What have you given up to become successful? To be successful I have had to sacrifice many of my hobbies and loved possessions.
- What did Parks give up to become successful? He gave up his family life
- Who was Genevieve Young's father? He was a rich businessman
- How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)? 10,000
- How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam? 500,000 dollars
- Why did Parks refuse the money? He thought that Muhammed was going to influence him, but he didn't want to represent something he wasn't fond of.
- What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree? First major movie by a black person.
- What was significant about the character Shaft? He was a black superhero in those days.
- What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons? He chose his 35 millimeter camera
- What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce? They divorced due to the turmoil Gordon was in in that time.
- In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story? Twelve Years as a slave
- Who was Gordon Parks, jr? Gordon Parks's son
- What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo? American Gothic
- What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years? I will remember that he was a great photographer and worked hard in life.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Pictures from lens
Picture 5
This picture shows the image from the eagles point of view and there is a symmetry splitting the picture in two halves and there are two spotlights on either sides of the eagle. There is also an off set coca cola bottle on the left side of the eagle. Also there is no one showing their faces so the one guy who is facing the eagle and the photographer almost stands out. There is a lot of lighting in the photograph so you can see the players and the the things on the ground specifically. Also, the uniforms are more stand out because of the lighting. There is a lot going on in the view of eagle and it's not as chaotic.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Multimedia Fest 2015 Poster Questions
Why is it good?
The pictures on the poster are well structured and it looks more creative and the information including the font and the style looks really good.
Why is better than the last one?
We didn't know how to make a good poster before and we were struggling to figure out how to frame the pictures, make the writing look good and we didn't know how to make our poster not conjugated.This poster that we made this week, completes all the flaws from our previous poster and it is not as conjugated as before.
What did you do to create it?
We tried to make our background more appealing this time with the gradient. We made our font and writing more appealing and more visible too. We used our tittle in a slanted way too to make it look different. We also blurred the edges using feather radius to make it go in the background. We also used arrows and lines to connect the laptop screen with our images.
Friday, February 13, 2015
The Photo League
- What was The Photo League's credo?
The camera was more than a means of recording reality; it was a device with the potential to change the world.
- What organization did The Photo League separate from?
The Film and Photo League
- What was the workshop?
The Photo League’s school, offering photography classes to anyone with a camera and $5 tuition. Director Sid Grossman insisted the goal of the photographer was to achieve an emotional connection with the subjects.
- Who taught "the workshop?"
Sid Grossman
- If you were to devote one year of your life to one project, what project is worth your time and energy?
Photography related, Comparing modern and ancient japan. Not photography related, becoming the best ping pong player ever. - What was The Harlem Document?
The Harlem Document is a portfolio of photographs that reveals Harlem’s poor living conditions and neighborhood in the 1930’s.
- Who started The Harlem Document?
Aaron Siskind started The Harlem Document.
- A photographer discusses a photograph where "the children looked like they came out of a __________ painting. Who was the painter?
- Why did the photograph mentioned in #8 look like it was by the painter?
The kids all looked very sweet and innocent, but specifically the one sitting on the right had a perfect ray of light hitting his face, illuminating him.
- Who was Lewis Hine? (name two significant contributions)
He photographed child labor which showed children as young as eight working long hours under dangerous conditions. Later in World War 1, Hine served as a photographer with Red Cross. He was also hired to record the construction of the Empire State Building.
- Who was Weegee?
Weegee was a photojournalist who took images of the aftermath of New York street crimes and disasters.
- How did The League change when The Nazis took power?
They became focused on supporting the war effort. They showed patriotism in America and gruesome descriptions of the war.
- How did The League change during WWII?
Photo League members enlisted with armed forces and took part in battles on every theatre of WWII.
- How did Siskind change after WWII?
Siskind turned away from the social and political world after WWII.
- What was the Saturday Evening post?
The Saturday Evening Post was a photojournalism magazine similar to LIFE.
- Who was Barbara Morgan? What did she photograph?
Barbara Morgan was an American photographer best known for her depictions of modern dancers.
- What eventually undermined the Photo League?
The Photo League was put on a list of possible totalitarian, communist, or fascist organizations, created by Tom Clark.
- What was the "Growing Menace" mentioned in the film?
- Who agreed to serve as President when The League was under investigation?
W. Eugene Smith
FBI agent Angela Calomiris testified that Sid Grossman had recruited her from the Photo League into the Communist Party. Although the League was never officially on trial, people became scared and didn’t come anymore. Due to the loss of members, the Photo League closed down in the summer of 1951.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Final Exam- Digital Photo
1. #8 is my favorite picture of the album because first it's taken from a real life event and not forced to pose for the picture. The picture is mainly focused on the water splashes and the swimmers are blurred out so it makes it look better and I like the symmetry of this picture too. Also, the lighting and the effect of the entire picture is really good.
2. #9 is the best photo because I think the Rule of Thirds is used really well, the pictures filling the frame and it has a good balance in the entire picture. I think the way, the photographer took an advantage of the lighting really made the picture look way better than the original one.
I think photographing my group members, Henri's way was my best attempt to make my pictures look good this semester. I think I balanced out the way Henri used to photograph his pictures. He not only told people to pose for his pictures, but took real life photos and I think that's how the best pictures come out. I did the same by taking pictures of my group members in their natural habitat and edited them well to make them look better.
4. My three rules of composition are the Rule of Thirds, Lighting, Leaving Space.
5. Henri- Cartier- Bresson
Derek having fun in the rain.

I used leaving space and rule of thirds in this picture.
6. My First Rule is the Rule of Thirds.
7. I think working in groups can be an advantage and it has disadvantages too. The advantages are that we get to ask each other for advice if we ever have an questions, we can use each other as models in our pictures, we get to learn to be responsible for each other, get to know more people and learn how to work in a group and learn how to compromise and listen to each others compliments and advice.
8. The difficulties of working in groups were to stay on the same page as an entire group, some people can't function as well as the other people, some people don't do some of the work, so the other people have to do their work for the entire group to move forward, everyone has a different personality so that can be an issue sometimes and people don't always like each others ideas so that can create problems.
9. http://priyankaabigailbajaj.blogspot.com/2014/12/inspired-by-master-clarence-h-white.html
I think Priyanka's work is the best produced in our class.
A Little History
10. My photographer was Henri- Cartier- Bresson and he was a french photographer who mainly focused on taking pictures of people and he even ended up taking pictures in the war which were famous and even published in many magazines and newspapers. He covered many of the biggest events from the Spanish Civil War to the French uprisings in 1968.
11. Her most popular picture is called Migrant Mother which was taken in Nipomo, California around February- March of 1936. The agency that employed her was called Farm Security Administration.
12. The Life Magazine started publishing in 1936.
13. Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935.
14. Robert Capa co-founded Magnum Photos in Paris which started in 1947.
1. #8 is my favorite picture of the album because first it's taken from a real life event and not forced to pose for the picture. The picture is mainly focused on the water splashes and the swimmers are blurred out so it makes it look better and I like the symmetry of this picture too. Also, the lighting and the effect of the entire picture is really good.
2. #9 is the best photo because I think the Rule of Thirds is used really well, the pictures filling the frame and it has a good balance in the entire picture. I think the way, the photographer took an advantage of the lighting really made the picture look way better than the original one.
I think photographing my group members, Henri's way was my best attempt to make my pictures look good this semester. I think I balanced out the way Henri used to photograph his pictures. He not only told people to pose for his pictures, but took real life photos and I think that's how the best pictures come out. I did the same by taking pictures of my group members in their natural habitat and edited them well to make them look better.
4. My three rules of composition are the Rule of Thirds, Lighting, Leaving Space.
5. Henri- Cartier- Bresson
Derek having fun in the rain.

I used leaving space and rule of thirds in this picture.
6. My First Rule is the Rule of Thirds.
7. I think working in groups can be an advantage and it has disadvantages too. The advantages are that we get to ask each other for advice if we ever have an questions, we can use each other as models in our pictures, we get to learn to be responsible for each other, get to know more people and learn how to work in a group and learn how to compromise and listen to each others compliments and advice.
8. The difficulties of working in groups were to stay on the same page as an entire group, some people can't function as well as the other people, some people don't do some of the work, so the other people have to do their work for the entire group to move forward, everyone has a different personality so that can be an issue sometimes and people don't always like each others ideas so that can create problems.
9. http://priyankaabigailbajaj.blogspot.com/2014/12/inspired-by-master-clarence-h-white.html
I think Priyanka's work is the best produced in our class.
A Little History
10. My photographer was Henri- Cartier- Bresson and he was a french photographer who mainly focused on taking pictures of people and he even ended up taking pictures in the war which were famous and even published in many magazines and newspapers. He covered many of the biggest events from the Spanish Civil War to the French uprisings in 1968.
11. Her most popular picture is called Migrant Mother which was taken in Nipomo, California around February- March of 1936. The agency that employed her was called Farm Security Administration.
12. The Life Magazine started publishing in 1936.
13. Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935.
14. Robert Capa co-founded Magnum Photos in Paris which started in 1947.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
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